Amplifying Candidates
and Organizations
with Shared Values

Welcome to the Fearless Vote National Initiative

Connecting people to campaigns and causes to support. Creating informative content to get voters more engaged. Helping the candidates run a stronger race. These are just a few ways the Fearless Vote multi-media platform is stepping up to join in the fight to save our Democracy.

Shawna Presley Vercher hosts the Fearless Voice television show

The Fearless Vote

Television Show

Is Here!

Join host Shawna Presley Vercher as she travels to Congressional Districts across the country speaking to advocates, leaders, and citizens about the issues you care about.

Meet Fearless Vote

Cast member

Mark Weinkrantz

The Fearless Vote works with real local leaders and candidates about the issues impacting their communities – and you can get involved from anywhere in the country!

Learn more about Mark’s district and how you can support his campaign for Congressional District FL-13. Real change happens when we see an opportunity to make a difference and then act.

Shawna Presley Vercher hosts the Fearless Voice television show

Countdown to Election Day

Make sure your voice is heard. Register and then create your plan to vote.









Cast Your

Fearless Vote

Verify your voter registration, register to vote in your home state, see what’s on your ballot and more!

Candidate Services

Find out how we can help your campaign no matter how many people are on your team or how tight your budget is.